Presentation Report

Virgin Radio
Athena Pimentel
February 6th, 2020, 3:00 pm PST

When opportunities are given to you, you must take them, says Chris Palliser. Palliser is a local radio co-host for 107.3 Virgin radio in Victoria, BC. He began his career in school at Camosun College when he noticed a poster for the Applied Communications Program from 2001 to 2003, which he applied for and loved it, but definitely wished he paid more attention in class. When he finished his program he got an opportunity at a radio station in Fort McMurray, Alberta for radio stations there spending about seven years there freelancing and being a radio announcer. Palliser moved to Vancouver, BC after a job opening was available at the Beat 94.5, he noted that he emailed and made connections with them in the previous two years before the opportunity was even available. He worked there for 10 years, during this, he married his wife and had two daughters. The Beat 94.5 as well during this time changed to Virgin Radio, with this Palliser decided he would move back to Victoria, where he moved jobs and stayed with Virgin radio but the 107.3 stations in Victoria, BC. 
Furthermore, Palliser explained that on radio, it is not just about the show, it is also about how you win and going out in the community and connecting with fans and people in the same industry and how social media is a huge part of expanding the brand. But with all these exciting events and opportunities Palliser describes that in this industry, “working hard gets you places and that you should never get ahead of yourself as an ego kills.” He points out that when you start, you must start small, especially with radio at any of the smaller radio stations. Every opportunity you get no matter how weird it is, you should always say yes as that’s is how you network yourself out there and how you will be remembered for if you contact them for bigger and better opportunities. Palliser explains how although radio was just a show and mc some events. Nowadays radio has a whole new spectrum when social media was introduced using that a bunch and bringing in podcasts, while still mc-ing events and doing the on-air radio show.

 In all, Palliser believes when opportunities and given you must work hard and take them in order to get where you want to be, while still having a bunch of fun with the jobs along the way.


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