News Release

January 16th, 2020

200 Employees Get Back To Work

The National Widget Company announcing the re-hiring of the 200 employees over entire company who were previously laid off six months ago. 50 of these employees work at the head office and main plant in Victoria BC. Andrew Bryce explained, “We have sent recall notices to all employees who were laid off in June. As a family-owned company, it was heartbreaking to lay off so many loyal people, so we are thrilled to be offering employment to people we consider part of the family.” The employees will be called as needed over the next few weeks.
The company has been running at full capacity ever since they found new markets in China, where they can install widgets in every building. The National Widget company is the first company to approach and make a deal with the Chinese. Bryce expresses how “The opening up of the Chinese residential market represents opportunity and a secure market on which to expand our capacity.”
“The increase in sales has been unprecedented. We think this opportunity opens up enormous markets which will last for years.” Bryce illustrates towards the companies restructuring. The traditional use for widgets has been in the oil business but incorporating them into residential construction opens a whole new world of widget sales for the National Widget Company.
For more information, Contact Athena Pimentel at 250-208-9154


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