Opinion 2 - Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Dogs Vs Cats
Athena Pimentel
March 22nd, 2020

Dogs are better than cats. Although many cat people believe that a cat is far better, this piece should be able to convince the cat lovers otherwise, that a dog is the better choice of pet to have. A dog is known as a man/ woman’s best friend, as the dog will be compassionate no matter their, shape or size. As they are smart, helpful and create a healthy active lifestyle with their owner. Dogs will never ignore humans especially if it’s their owner and will always respond when their name is being called while cats usually tend to just ignore their owners and just go about their day. Every dog will act differently as dogs come in all different shapes, sizes and different breeds. Dogs are as little as toy poodles to as huge as a Great Dane. Each one of these dogs can match an owner’s personality from being a laid back chill lifestyle to a very physically active one. With dogs bringing a very active lifestyle, daily physical activity is required for them. This means dog owners will have to participate in some form of dynamic activity and interactive playing to keep their pets engaged and motivated, such as going for a walk, run or playing fetch at the park. Even the elderly are found to be participating in daily walks when they are with their dogs. Cat people are never or rarely seen walking with their cats in a harness since this is not a normal thing that cat owners would do. Cats seem to like to be on their own whether they are indoors or outdoors and do what they like to do regardless of what others think. Dogs are as well very helpful and intelligent which can be useful with many daily tasks and careers, as they are a huge part of the K9 unit. Some dogs can be trained to assist the police force or perform military tasks. Sniffer or Detection dogs can detect explosives, track criminals, illicit drugs, find hidden currency and search for endangered animal species. There are dogs who work on farms that help look after and move around the livestock. Dogs can be helpful for people who have with disabilities, such as assistance/ guild dogs for people who are visual or hearing impaired or even a dog that is trained to be aware when a person is having a panic attack and will run over to them to comfort them. Dogs have been known to be able to detect some cancers using their strong sense of smell. There are also rescue dogs that can help people in a desperate and scary situation. While many dogs can help with these tasks cats can only really be used as therapy pets and not these other roles that dogs are able to help with. As shown dogs have so much loyalty, compassion, active lifestyle, and being helpful in so many jobs and tasks everyday being there for everyone no matter the dog breed. Dogs are by far, way better than cats.

Dogs Are Better Than Cats: Pets World


  1. Completely disagree. Neither are better than the other. A cats are perfect for those who have a busy lifestyle as they can take care of themselves. Whereas dogs are constantly needing to go for a walk and are constantly needing help from the owner. Cats are way easier to take care of than dogs. I love dogs but my lifestyle doesn't work with owning one, however it does with owning a cat. I had a cat (Otto) for 8 years in Nova Scotia until he was tragically killed. I taught him (like someone would teach a dog)to come when I whistled after coming home from work. I also would go and take him for an off-leash walk in the apple grove next door to me. When I moved to the city of Dartmouth he would climb out my 2nd floor window to go exploring. I would stand out at the back of the door of the building and call his name. I would see him leaping over fences to greet me. In my opinion I cannot place a dog over a cat nor a cat over a dog. They both have their qualities and distractions. A dog may be ideal for some and not for others. A cat may be ideal for some and not for others. If however, you are like me who grew up in a family with a cat and a dog, both would be ideal.

  2. I agree that dogs are better than cats. Depending on what kind of lifestyle you live could determine what kind of dog you get. Personally, I would like to get an Australian Shepard because of how active of a lifestyle I live, but some days when I don't feel like doing anything a smaller dog like a mini yorkie would be nice to have if you are just staying inside your house. Cats are cool too, but a bit boring.


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