One Pager - Camosun's Media

Camosun’s Media
January 23rd, 2020
Athena Pimentel

I don’t usually pay attention to any news reports in the newspaper as I never have the attention span to sit down and read the newspaper. I rarely hear the radio as I always attach my phone to the aux cord in my car for music as soon as I go in the car, which causes the radio to never turn on. I occasionally find myself watching any news reports on TV when my parents have left the news on in the background while we are eating dinner. I normally find myself looking at news reports when they pop up on the screen of the social media apps on my phone or laptop. They sometimes are advertisements in between youtube videos, just trending tweets on twitter on the news subject, or posts on social media such as Instagram were posts are promoted for more viewers to see such as the news. I believe Camosun’s public relations is important for teachers and students for distributing information. Public relations are helpful with displaying scheduled deadlines through newsletters, promoting events going on around campus and keeping everyone up to date during days such as a snowstorm for if the school would be closed or not. They control the display of information through the Camosun website but also through everyday emails, even just monthly newsletters, and through Camosun’s social media accounts. Although I do not use most traditional or even newer mass communications for the news I still find other ways like through some social media and by talking to friends and family, who may have learned about the news reports from a news source.


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