One Pager - Bike Lanes

Bike Lanes
Athena Pimentel
January 30th, 2020 3:00 pm PST

Victoria’s Bike lines system has been planned for expansion at the beginning of 2020. The expansions paths will be in these five areas, the northern end of Government Street, Kings Road, Haultain Street, Kimta Road, and Richardson Street. The designs of the bike lanes were sent out for the public to see and have input by commenting on what they think about what should be changed or what worked well. The designs claim that the bike lanes would have shared roadways, with shared-line markings in the middle of the road, as well as parallel parking on either side of the road. They explain that they could include traffic calming options, such as a median divider, including a traffic circle, curb extensions or a speed bump. An alternate decision could have been for painted bike lanes by the Johnson Street bridge, but if this were to happen the speed limit for vehicles would have to go down to 30 km per hour. A few of the bike lanes are declared to become (AAA) which is known as all ages and abilities. The project is to be valued at 6.6 million dollars.
Although many defend to have bike lanes in the city, I found that they are not an enhancement to our society. The bike lanes are used but not very often especially compared to vehicles, yet they take up a huge portion of the road. Motorists and car drivers have to carry insurance which helps pay to build these lanes, so technically shouldn’t cyclists have to pay for insurance as they are using up half the road and it is more of a dangerous risk of crashes in these areas. The government is paying a hefty amount for a bunch for these bike lanes, yet they could be using that many to help improve the many broken down places in Victoria or help improve the city to go greener and help the environment by planting more trees.

The bike lanes just prompt Downtown Victoria to become more of a squished and busy place of cars, when the money and space could be used for something more beneficial. The bike lanes are just confusing to any drivers and can easily become more unsafe.


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