Analyzing A Blog

Read Further
Athena Pimentel January, 14th 2020
This article is designated for an older audience, for instance, teens and adults, but mainly for anybody who uses the internet, for reading and commenting. The article is helpful for keeping educated people aware but is more towards un-educated people. As especially the younger generations who use more technologies, they are more influenced to just comment on anything without reading the whole piece of writing.
The writing is more academic, and research-orientated, which could be harder for younger kids and teens to understand the readings. The reading really pulls you in starting off with a visual and questions that relate to it. Making the reader more intrigued to read more and find out what the article is about. The main argument the writer is trying to prove to the readers is that more people should read more because reading is fundamental, this gets people to practice to listen rather than talking or online, skipping parts just to comment.
The writer does his research experiments by planting a message in the article, in which to see if a reader would comment on noticing the message. The writer’s second experiment was researching the percent of the content of the article that was actually viewed. Both of these experiments proved his point as it took three pages of comments until someone noticed the planted message and the percent of the content that was read the most in the article was 50%.
The writer proposes four ideas, such as removing any interruptions to reading, for instance primarily pagination. Another is to measure read times that would be displayed beside someone’s name, rather than the number of posts beside their name. The third is to give rewards, such as badges for the more you read, the more you earn. Fourth, to update in real-time, like editing posts to more realistic to now rather than a few months ago, to show any votes or likes as they arrive on the post.
            In all, the writer’s research supports his argument very well, with the experiment and what he has noticed. His four ideas are realistic and beneficial approaches to improve the reading atmosphere online. All of these approaches and research can help society become better listeners and readers.


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